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Form Scholarships 2025

Please fill out the form and upload your application documents.

Application form

Personal Information
M.A., Diplom, etc.
(Cognitive linguistics, Applied Linguistics, English Linguistics,...)
Proposed Ph.D. Project
Academic Career Path
Short academic curriculum; max. 3000 characters
Your Contact Information
Upload Your Documents:FILENAMING: Please, start EVERY file with your SURNAME (Ex.: Smith-letter_of_motivation.pdf). Documents can have a max. size of 10MB.
Please provide a document with two names of referees. Ideally, the referees should be a professor, a junior professor or another member of university staff with the right to supervise a PhD. In addition, ask one of the referees to send a letter of recommendation that contains information on your expertise and potential in linguistics directly to by the application deadline.

Fields with (*) are compulsory.