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Statistics Self-Help Session

Contact personLaura Patrizzi
DateThursday, 16th January 2025, 10:00 - 12:00
RegistrationRegistration not required

When: Thursday January 16th, 10:00-12:00
Where: Room 25, English Seminar (Nadelberg 6).

I am also delighted that Dr. Zeynep Köylü, Postdoc at the English seminar, has agreed to join us for this session and share her valuable expertise in statistical analysis.

This session will be a great opportunity to discuss your individual plans and challenges in using statistical tools like R, finding the right test for your data and exchanging tips and strategies for applying statistics in your research. Some snacks will be provided .

If you’d like to participate via Zoom or if you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out (