Segmentazioni testuali del parlato e dello scritto. Sintassi, prosodia, punteggiatura (Workshop)
Date | Thursday, 7th July 2016 |
Location |
veranstalter: Alessandro Panunzi, Filippo Pecorari, Roska Stojmenova, Emanuela Cresti, Massimo Moneglia
ansprechpartner: Filippo Pecorari
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Basel
date_raw: 7.-8. Juli 2016
date_sort: 07.07.2016, 00:00:00
The workshop will take place in the framework of a cooperation agreement between the
LABLITA Lab of the University of Florence and the Section of Italian Linguistics of the University
of Basel. This agreement aims at bringing into contact the different views on information structure
developed in the two research groups. The invited speakers from the University of Florence are
responsible for the construction of the main corpus of spontaneous spoken Italian currently available
(cf. Cresti 2000); they also took part in larger projects on spoken Romance languages, aimed at the
construction and validation of integrated reference corpora (cf. Cresti/Moneglia 2005). On this basis,
the LABLITA group carries out theoretical research on intonation, spoken syntax and informational
segmentation of spoken language. The theoretical paradigm developed by E. Cresti, called L-ACT
(Language into Act Theory), assigns a crucial interpretive role to prosody, and more particularly to
intonation, as the sole feature which is responsible for the assignment of an illocutionary force to the
utterance and for the segmentation of the text in utterances and information units.
The main aim of the workshop is the investigation of similarities and differences in the
strategies of informational segmentation employed by spoken and written language. We will
particularly take into account the role of syntax in both means of communication, along with the
largely parallel role of prosody – in spoken language – and punctuation – in written language. The
latter is one of the core aspects of the SNSF research project “Le funzioni informativo-testuali della
punteggiatura nell’italiano contemporaneo, tra sintassi e prosodia”, currently led by Angela Ferrari at
the University of Basel.