Revisiting Participation. Language and Bodies in Interaction (Kongress)
Date | Wednesday, 24th June 2015 |
Location |
veranstalter: Lorenza Mondada u.a.
ansprechpartner: Lorenza Mondada
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Basel
date_raw: 24.-27. Juni 2015
date_sort: 24.06.2015, 00:00:00
Revisiting Participation. Language and Bodies in Interaction
The notion of participation has been largely used through several
disciplines inspired by the concept of participation framework proposed
by Goffman (1981). Within conversation analysis, the issue of
participation has been discussed early on (see for example Drew &
Wootton, 1988). More recently, it has been revisited within an embodied
perspective (see Goodwin & Goodwin, 2004), revealing its dynamic,
changing and complex organization, as well as the importance for its
organization of multimodal resources, specific formats, and changing
configurations. Studies of phenomena related to the organization of
turn-taking in multi-party interactions have raised issues of how
recipient-design and orientation to the co-participants are organized
and change moment by moment along the sequentiality of talk and action.
Studies of phenomena related to sequence organization and action
formatting have raised issues concerning formats that enable, craft,
afford specific forms of participation in various activities and
This conference addresses the notion of participation in two important ways:
a) It aims at discussing the notion from a conversation analytic
perspective, taking into account both the sequential organization of
action and the variety of resources (linguistic as well as embodied) for
the organization of that action;
b) It aims at offering a large range of empirical analyses showing
how issues of participation emerge and are addressed in various
settings, including ordinary conversation, institutional encounters and
professional interactions. For example, issues of participation are key
in service to users, medical consultations, the life of aphasic patients
in their families, the expression of citizens in democratic meetings,
the contributions of students in classroom, etc.
More specifically, the conference is organized around 3 thematic areas:
i) How different modes of organization of turn-taking (concerning
both turn allocation and turn formatting) in multi-party interaction
configure opportunities to participate;
ii) How action formation and the specific organization of sequential
environments shape participation, for example enabling and crafting it,
as well as constraining and reducing it;
iii) How participation issues emerge in particular contexts of
activity, shaping and being shaped by a reflexive orientation towards
specific contexts and locally relevant membership categorization
For more information: see website