Opportunities for Conversation Analytic Research In Medical Settings (Vortrag: Timothy Koschmann; Carbonale, Illinois)
Date | Thursday, 17th October 2013 |
Location | Uni Basel, Geographie (Klingelbergstrasse 27) - Seminarraum EG 0-09 Basel Switzerland |
veranstalter: Lorenza Mondada
ansprechpartner: Lorenza Mondada
email: lorenza.mondada@unibas.ch
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Basel
date_raw: 17. Oktober 2013, 14:15-16:00
date_sort: 17.10.2013, 00:00:00
Opportunities for Conversation Analytic Research In Medical Settings
Timothy Koschmann
Department of Medical Education, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
There is a large and robust literature that applies CA methods to the study of interaction in medical settings. Some of this work is oriented toward making recommendations regarding how communication between doctors and patients or between members of medical teams might be improved. In this presentation I will argue that medical settings also offer enticing possibilities for exploring foundational issues in language and social interaction. These would include how social institutions are talked into being, how instruction is produced interactionally, how knowledge is made relevant and displayed (i.e., issues of “epistemics”), and how practical problems of reference are resolved.