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Introduction to R for linguists

DateThursday, 7th May 2015
LocationUniversität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars)

veranstalter: Michael Percillier
ansprechpartner: Michael Percillier
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Freiburg
date_raw: May 7th and 8th, 9-12 and 14-17 both days
date_sort: 07.05.2015, 00:00:00

This workshop will introduce participants to R, a programming language and software environment for statistics and graphics. The course will cover various methods of statistical analysis (chi-square test, t-test, regression analysis, etc.) and visual representation of findings (scatterplots, bar plots, box plots, dot charts, etc.). To make the introduction more relevant, participants are encouraged to submit one or several data samples beforehand to be used as working examples during the course. The workshop is open to doctoral students from Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg and requires no prior programming experience.