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Evaluation and Computer-Mediated Communication: Reddit as a case in point (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)

Lecturer(s)Thomas Messerli
Contact personHeike Behrens
DateTuesday, 15th November 2022, 16:15 - 18:00
LocationUniversität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel Switzerland

Evaluation and Computer-Mediated Communication: Reddit as a case in point (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)

Thomas Messerli


Online texts and social media in particular are full of evaluation. Posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., but also longer contributions in the form of blogs, reviews, website articles are often defined by motivational and linguistic evaluative practices.


Theoretical frameworks in linguistics

• Evaluation | Appraisal Theory | Stance

• Pragmatics, Corpus Pragmatics

• Computer-mediated communication



Reddit submissions (posts) and comments (responses) from r/changemyview and other subreddits


Question: What interesting insights about evaluative practices online can we take stock of as resarchers in linguistics?


Relevance: Thinking about further aspects of communication online in general and shorter posts on social media as well as online communities in particular. Approaching different types of evaluation in other domains.