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Eric Ekembe (University College of Education, Yaoundé): Pathways to undoing epistemic injustice in English language education in Cameroon (Language, Communication & Cognition)

Lecturer(s)Eric Ekembe
Contact personProf. Dr. Uta Reinöhl
DateFriday, 19th July 2024, 10:15 - 11:45
LocationUniversitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg Germany

Pathways to undoing epistemic injustice in English language education in Cameroon

A focus on decoloniality praxis

In this presentation I explore the extent to which colonial legacies in English language education mediate access to knowledge production in Cameroon. I explore how colonial matrices of power permeate the educational contexts and perpetuate Northern epistemologies before moving on to reflect on decoloniality encounters that have the potential to undo such injustices.

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Passcode: 7k9GBZBX7

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