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Events in Basel

HPSL aims to foster young researchers: Master’s students attend HPSL events from their first semester onwards and are supported by postdoctoral scholars. Self-organized education is a vital characteristic of HPSL and promotes a hands-on understanding of a career in research.

All events are held in English if at least one participant is not fluent in the language announced.

Upcoming events in Basel

22nd - 23rd
Apr 25
Interaktion und Multimœdialität: Konzepte zur Analyse audiovisueller Kontexte
Lecturer(s): Clara Kindler-Mathôt, Katerina Papadopoulou, Cornelia Müller (Frankfurt a.d. Oder); Oliver Spiess, Martin Luginbühl (Basel) u.a.
Contact: Oliver Spiess
