Grammatical metaphor and degrees of interpersonal negotiation: online doctor-patient interactions as a case study
Date | Tuesday, 29th March 2016 |
Location |
veranstalter: Bingjun Yang (Shanghai)
ansprechpartner: Sixta Quassdorf
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Basel
date_raw: 29.März 2016 13:00h – 14:00h
date_sort: 29.03.2016, 00:00:00
“Grammatical metaphor and degrees of interpersonal negotiation: online doctor-patient interactions as a case study”
Degrees of interpersonal negotiation can be better revealed through analysis of grammatical metaphor
More and more doctor-patient interactions happen online (See Locher, 2006) and there is an increase in typing online in order to get consulted. Generally speaking, face-to-face doctor-patient interactions are abundant in interpersonal metaphors while more ideational metaphors are used in online typing interactions. In order to see how analysis of grammatical metaphor can be used in negotiations in online doctor-patient interactions, we build a small corpus of interactions found on the websites of Askthedoctor and Health24, and then provide a detailed analysis of grammatical metaphor of the corpus by means of UAMCorpusTool 3.2. It is predicted that grammatical metaphor, composed of interpersonal metaphor and ideational metaphor, is a very useful tool to probe into the degrees of negotiation in interpersonal pragmatics.