Interactional Linguistics in some European languages: Studies on particles in talk-in-interaction
Date | Friday, 19th October 2012 |
Location |
veranstalter: Anna Lindström, Véronique Traverso, Lorenza Mondada, Arnulf Deppermann, Sara Merlino and Florence Oloff
ansprechpartner: Lorenza Mondada
institution: HPSL
language: Englisch
location institution: Basel
date_raw: 19 October 2012
date_sort: 19.10.2012, 00:00:00
date_parsed: 19.10.2012, 00:00:00
9:15 opening
9:30-10:30 Arnulf Deppermann (Mannheim): Also and dann in German conversation as displaying the comprehension of a previous turn
10:30-11:30 Véronique Traverso (Lyon): Oh là là in French conversation
11:30-11:45 pause
11:45-12:45 Anna Lindström (Uppsala): Nå in Swedish conversation.
12:45-14:00 lunch
14:00-15:00 Lorenza Mondada (Basel): Re-doing
embodied closings: Voilà and walking
15:00-16:00 Sara Merlino (Basel): occhei, oké, okay at turn-beginnings
16:00-17:00 Florence Oloff (Basel): Response particles after collaborative completions