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The multimodal child: The role of interacting bodies in first language development (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)

Lecturer(s)Aliyah Morgenstern (Paris)
Contact personHeike Behrens
DateMonday, 7th October 2024, 14:15 - 16:00
RegistrationRegistration not required
LocationKollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel Switzerland
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Children internalize language through their senses in situated interactions grounded in the mundane activities of their everyday lives.Thanks to their sensory perceptions, and the languaging that surrounds them and is addressed to them, they are socialized to meaning making out of their experience.

In this presentation, we use a multimodal approach to analyze the transmission of language and its appropriation by children with their interacting bodies in an ecological context. We highlight the primordial role of adults who integrate all children’s relevant behaviors in the dialogue by co-constructing meaning. We also illustrate how children progressively learn to coordinate the semiotic resources at their disposal, varying the use of these resources according to their specificities, their availability and their own interactional needs.


Flyer zum Programm:

Ringvorlesung Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf